EP 4: Transform Your Relationships: Healing Emotional Triggers for Healthier Relationships
Have you ever found yourself reacting intensely in your relationships, feeling overwhelmed by emotions, and wondering why you can't seem to break the cycle? The answer lies in your emotional triggers.
In this podcast episode, I’ll dive into how emotional triggers impact your relationships and how becoming aware of and healing them can profoundly transform all your relationships—from romantic to family, work, and friends. Later, I'll share a powerful method that has been a game changer for overcoming and healing the root cause of emotional triggers to create more loving and deeper relationships with others and yourself.
What Are Emotional Triggers?
Emotional triggers are intense reactions to specific events, memories, or situations. These triggers are like emotional hot buttons that, when pushed, bring out strong and disproportionate reactions because they are tied to past experiences or unresolved feelings. It’s like carrying around old baggage that shows up unexpectedly when you’re triggered.
Impact of Emotional Triggers on Relationships
Emotional triggers can negatively impact your relationships in multiple ways:
Overreacting, Withdrawing, or Becoming Defensive: Leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
Eroding Trust: Making it difficult to feel safe and secure with others.
Creating Barriers to Intimacy: Making it hard to connect on a deeper level.
Escalating Conflicts: Reacting from a place of past hurt rather than understanding.
Often, this results in a cycle of defensiveness and blame. One person gets triggered and reacts strongly, causing the other person to respond defensively, creating a negative loop that erodes trust and connection. Over time, people may feel unsafe or misunderstood, leading to emotional walls and withdrawal from each other.
During conflicts, being triggered makes it challenging to discuss issues calmly. Instead of working together to solve the problem, everyone ends up trying to protect themselves, worsening the conflict. This can lead to unresolved arguments that keep resurfacing, causing ongoing tension and frustration in family gatherings, romantic relationships, and work environments.
If triggers aren’t addressed, they can lead to unhealthy relationship patterns. For example, in a family dynamic, one person might become the peacekeeper, always managing everyone else’s emotions and neglecting their own needs. In the workplace, this could mean avoiding difficult conversations to prevent conflict, leading to a lack of openness and trust.
The Importance of Healing Emotional Triggers
To experience healthier and more loving and compassionate relationships, it’s important to recognize and address your emotional triggers. This involves becoming more aware of your trigger patterns, understanding that the origin is connected to past events, and healing the root cause rather than coping with them.
When you take the initiative to heal your emotional triggers, it can significantly improve your relationships with others, even if the other person hasn’t done the same inner work. When you’re not triggered, you can react more calmly and avoid escalating situations when others are triggered or overreact to something you said or did. This diffuses the situation more easily and prevents further conflict.
Being more emotionally regulated allows you to express yourself from a grounded and neutral place, leading to less separation and conflict and more understanding between people. Modeling positive behaviors like active listening and calm responses helps others feel safer to communicate openly and strengthens relationships.
Healing unresolved wounds underlying your triggers also develops increased empathy and compassion for others, understanding that when they are triggered and emotionally reactive, they are coming from a wounded place just like you.
A Powerful Method to Heal Emotional Triggers
You can heal your triggers by identifying and releasing subconscious blocks in the form of unresolved emotions, negative thoughts, and limiting beliefs that are at the root of your triggers. The fastest and most effective way I’ve found to discover and release these subconscious blocks is with an energy healing method called the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code.
Using the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code
Our subconscious mind stores all our past experiences, emotions, beliefs, and memories. Subconscious blocks are energetic imbalances stemming from the original wound. By identifying and releasing these blocks at the root of the trigger, you neutralize the associated energy in your body that you feel each time you’re triggered by a similar event.
If you want to learn more about how to overcome and heal your triggers with this energy-based healing approach, check out my episode where I go deeper into this topic. I also have a free workbook to help you discover your emotional triggers on my website, which is linked in the episode description.
Becoming aware of and healing from emotional triggers is a journey, but it's one that can profoundly transform your relationships with others and yourself and create more loving and deeper connections.
Learn more about the Emotion Code in my free PDF guidebook which is a short intro on the Emotion Code and how it works.
You can also read the Emotion Code book by Dr. Bradley Nelson to learn the technique.
To learn more about my work head over to https://www.evawerk.com
To get free resources on emotional healing and releasing subconscious blocks go to https://www.evawerk.com/free-resources
You can also follow me on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@evawerk and Instagram at @evawerk_